2023-04-20 18:41:41

Bidens made $579,000 in 2022, paid normal taxes, absolutely no controversy

Joe and Jill Biden have released their 2022 tax returns, which show a combined income of $579,000 and a federal tax rate of 23.8%, along with state taxes. Despite attempts by right-wing critics to create controversy, the Bidens' income and taxes are standard and uncontroversial. While Joe Biden is a multimillionaire, his income is significantly less than that of former President Donald Trump, who reportedly made $400 million a year during his presidency and is a multibillionaire. The Bidens' income primarily came from Joe Biden's $400,000 presidential salary, with Jill Biden earning around $82,000 teaching at a community college. Some of their income also came from donations to charities. Joe Biden actually released his tax returns, unlike Donald Trump, whose returns we didn’t find out about until they were released by a House committee. Overall, there is nothing controversial about the Bidens' income or taxes, and attempts to create controversy surrounding this are unfounded.


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-President Donald Trump #davidpakmanshow $400 million Bidens' income Community College House Committee Jill Biden Joe Biden


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