2022-07-20 18:03:54
The Fox News coverage of declining gas prices is taking on even more comedic proportions. Fox blamed President Biden for soaring energy prices earlier in the year, even though presidents have very little to do with the price of gas. But now, instead of giving Biden credit for the numbers trickling back down, they are finding new reasons to blame him. In a recent segment, Fox put up the chyron “WH Takes Victory Lap on 50 Cent Gas Price Drop,” mocking the president for how $4.47 gasoline is still too high. Not long ago on Fox, anchor Sandra Smith criticized the decline in gas prices as she argued they could hurt small locally-owned stations that aren’t able to profit as much from the lower prices. No matter how the economy is doing and what the numbers are, Fox will start from the conclusion that it’s Biden’s fault and work backwards from there.
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