2020-01-07 09:59:24
Allies are abandoning the United States as Donald Trump is increasingly unhinged on Iran.
Last week, Trump ordered an unauthorized assassination of the Iranian leader of the Quds, Qasem Soleimani. This has escalated tensions and is pushing the United States and Iran to the brink of war. Many are speculating that Trump is manufacturing this war to help his re-election prospect in the wake of his impeachment.
Now leaders in the U.K., Germany, France and others are saying they are not with the U.S. in this conflict, and are publicly urging Trump to de-escalate tensions.
David Pakman discusses the assassination of Soleimani and the worldwide consequences.
The David Pakman Show is a news and political talk program, known for its controversial interviews with political and religious extremists, liberal and conservative politicians, and other guests.
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