2023-05-09 14:26:33

Justice for Jordan Neely: Friend Remembers Dancer as “Gentleman” as Calls Grow for Killer’s Arrest

Eleven people were arrested at a protest in New York on Monday demanding justice for Jordan Neely, a 30-year-old unhoused Black man who was choked to death on a subway car last week by another passenger. Neely was well-known as a dancer and Michael Jackson impersonator. He was crying out that he was hungry when he was fatally attacked on the train by a 24-year-old former marine named Daniel Penny, who was questioned by police but released without charges. The city medical examiner has ruled Neely’s death a homicide. The subway killing comes as New York is facing a growing population of unhoused people who lack the support they need, with many facing a mental health crisis. “What we need to see is not a mobilization of violence, but a mobilization of care,” says Jawanza Williams, director of organizing at VOCAL-New York community group. We also speak with musician Lorenzo Laroc, who knew Neely for decades as a fellow busker in the New York subway system. “He gave freely to the city of New York and brought nothing but joy to this town for decades,” says Laroc, calling Neely a “gentleman” and a “consummate professional.”

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#JusticeforJordanNeely Daniel Penny Democracy Now! Free Speech TV FSTV Jawanza Williams Jordan Neely Justice for Jordan Neely Lorenzo Laroc Michael Jackson impersonator. VOCAL-New York community group.


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