2022-12-16 13:54:30

Biden, Like Trump Before Him, Derails Effort to End U.S. Support for Saudi War in Yemen

A new UNICEF report finds that over 11,000 children have been killed or injured in the U.S.-backed, Saudi-led war in Yemen since 2015. A six-month ceasefire between warring parties expired in October. Meanwhile, Senator Bernie Sanders withdrew a Senate resolution Tuesday that would have ended U.S. support for the war, following pressure from the White House. Sanders said he would bring the resolution back if they could not reach an agreement. Shireen Al-Adeimi, a Yemeni American assistant professor at Michigan State University and a nonresident fellow at the Quincy Institute, says many Democrats who decried U.S. support for the Saudi coalition when it was seen as "Trump's war" have now fallen silent despite the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe. "The situation on the ground is so volatile that this War Powers Resolution is absolutely essential," says Al-Adeimi.

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Democracy Now! Quincy Institute Saudi-led war in Yemen Shireen Al-Adeimi UNICEF War Powers Resolution Yemen


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