2022-06-23 11:40:14

Earthquake in Afghanistan Kills 1,000+. As Death Toll Rises, U.S. Sanctions Limit International Aid

A massive 5.9-magnitude earthquake that struck southeastern Afghanistan early Wednesday has killed more than 1,000 people, according to local officials, though the death toll is expected to rise. The earthquake comes as the United Nations reports nearly half of Afghanistan's population already faces acute hunger. Thousands more have been injured and lost their homes along with everything they own. "Many more will be dead, and we are now rushing with aid," says Jan Egeland, secretary-general of the Norwegian Refugee Council. He says he agrees with the Taliban government that U.S. sanctions on Afghanistan are making it more difficult for aid organizations like his to supply critical resources to Afghans. #democracynow

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Afghanistan earthquake Democracy Now! Jan Egeland Norwegian Refugee Council United Nations


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