2022-03-31 17:10:12

Alex Jones Forced to Testify in Sandy Hook Lawsuit Case to Avoid Massive Fines

Alex Jones will have to sit down for a deposition in for a case involving his false claim that the Sandy Hook school shooting, that left 28 dead, did not happen. Jones faces fines of $25,000 for each weekday that he does not show up to testify. Jones had failed to appear for a deposition on March 24th and 25th. Stephanie Miller has Jody Hamilton and the Frangela duo in to react to the breaking news.


The Stephanie Miller Show discusses politics, current events, and pop culture using a fast-paced, impromptu style. Prior to going nationwide, The SM Show pulled #1 ratings at KABC and KFI in Los Angeles and other radio stations in New York and Chicago. You know her from tons of exposure on TV, and on comedy’s prime stages: host of CNBC’s Equal Time, Oxygen TV’s I’ve Got a Secret, and many others. Stephanie has also appeared on CNN’s Joy Behar, Larry King Live, Reliable Sources, as well as MSNBC’s The Ed Show, Hannity and Colmes and Neal Cavuto on Fox News, the Today Show, the Tonight Show, Good Morning America, among many others. Her humor and snappy political wit draws listeners from all sides and makes her the perfect antidote to cantankerous conservatives.

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Alex Jones Frangela Jody Hamilton Lawsuit Sandy Hook Stephanie Miller The Stephanie Miller Show


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