2022-01-26 18:37:57

DOJ Confirms Probe Into Trump Elector Scam

The Department of Justice confirmed yesterday that there is an active investigation into the fraudulent electors that tried to vote in the 2020 election on behalf of Donald Trump. Rudy Giuliani and others tried to get an alternative slate of electors to vote for Trump in various states around the country that Joe Biden had won. The idea was to then deliver those alternate votes to the US Capitol so that Mike Pence could accept those instead, or simply choose not to accept either slate of electors in the contested states. Either scenario had the possibility of upending American democracy and delivering Trump the win.

US Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco told CNN, “in terms of fraudulent elector certifications . . . our prosecutors are looking at those and I can’t say anything more about ongoing investigations. But more broadly, look — the attorney general has been very clear. We are going to follow the facts and the law wherever they lead to address the conduct of any kind and at any level that is part of an assault on our democracy.” It sounds like “any level” refers to even a former president if applicable and that sounds absolutely appropriate in this case.


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#davidpakmanshow CNN Department Of Justice Donald Trump Joe Biden Lisa Monaco Mike Pence Rudy Giuliani US Capitol


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