2020-09-18 13:45:10

Trump vs. Masks: Attacks on CDC, Doctors & Scientists Undermine a "Pillar of Pandemic Control"

As the official United States death toll from COVID-19 approaches 200,000 people, Democracy Now! speaks with infectious disease expert Dr. Monica Gandhi, who says President Trump's refusal to promote face masks has made the pandemic much worse.

"Masks are a pillar of pandemic control. They are incredibly important," says Dr. Gandhi, a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, as well as a division head at San Francisco General Hospital.

"There is no country in the world right now that has been fighting masks like this, especially at the presidential level. If we could have started mask-wearing, consistent mask-wearing, at the beginning, we would have averted deaths and cases."

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Amy Goodman Coronavirus Covid COVID-19 Democracy Now! Donald Trump Dr. Monica Gandhi Free Speech TV Pandemic United States


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