2021-12-15 10:10:11

Trump Riot Texts from Fox News Hosts Exposed

As the Capitol insurrection was underway on January 6th, several Fox News hosts were pleading with Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to convince the president to tell his supporters to end the riot. More information is being revealed about this due to the ongoing congressional investigations into what exactly happened during the lead up to the riots.

According to Republican Senator Liz Cheney, Meadows was exchanging text messages with Laura Ingraham, Brian Kilmeade, and Sean Hannity. Ingraham said to Meadows, “Trump needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy.” Kilmeade said to Meadows, “please get him on TV, destroying everything you have accomplished.” And Hannity told him, “can he make a statement, ask people to leave the Capitol?”

In the following days and weeks, these Fox hosts would go on to downplay that attacks at the Capitol and in some cases propagate conspiracy theories about what took place. Just about everyone in the right-wing media sphere knew that what Trump was a dereliction of his duty as president, yet they continued to support him anyway.


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Brian Kilmeade Capitol David Pakman Donald Trump Fox News Insurrection Laura Ingraham Liz Cheney Mark Meadows Riot Sean Hannity The David Pakman Show


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