2023-03-06 12:30:35

"Eradicating Transness": ACLU's Chase Strangio on GOP's Assault on LGBTQ Rights at CPAC & Nationwide

At least 150 bills have been filed by Republican lawmakers across the United States that target transgender people, with at least seven states enacting bans on gender-affirming healthcare for transgender youth. Other bills have targeted drag performers, doctors and trans adults seeking transition-related care. For more on growing conservative attacks on transgender people and the LGBTQ+ community, we speak to Chase Strangio, deputy director for trans justice with the ACLU LGBTQ & HIV Project, who says the backlash "at its core has always been about pushing trans people out of public life and eradicating transness."

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ACLU LGBTQ & HIV Project bans on gender-affirming healthcare Chase Strangio Eradicating transness Free Speech TV FSTV LGBTQ Rights lgbtq+. discrimination transgender people Transgender Rights transgender youth

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