2023-01-05 18:25:07

CIVIL WAR: Sean Hannity vs Lauren Boebert EXPLODES

Fox host Sean Hannity had Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert on his show last night to scold her about not falling in line behind Kevin McCarthy in his bid to become House Speaker. Hannity made the point that McCarthy has far more votes than the Republican alternatives so it’s time to come together and get him the 218 votes he needs. Boebert began her response by saying, “I understand the frustration.” Hannity immediately cut her off and said, “I’m not frustrated. You didn’t answer my question.” Then, Boebert proposed the idea of electing Donald Trump the House Speaker. Hannity responded, “is this a game show? Like we’re going to pick Jim Jordan one day, [Byron] Donalds the other day, Trump the next day?” It’s not all that typical to see Republican infighting like this, and the participants are only serving to make themselves look like unserious people.


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#davidpakmanshow 218 votes Byron] Donald Donald Trump Fox Host Lauren Boebert Republican Congresswoman Sean Hannity The David Pakman Show Trump


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