2021-06-22 13:29:45

From Black Lung to BlackRock: Striking AL Coal Miners Protest Wall St. Financiers of Warrior Met

More than a thousand coal miners at Warrior Met Coal are now in the third month of their strike in the right-to-work state of Alabama.

The miners walked off the job on April 1 after their union, the United Mine Workers of America, called the first strike to hit the state’s coal mining industry in four decades. Workers are fighting for improvements to wages and benefits after they agreed to drastic cutbacks in 2016, when Warrior Met Coal took control of the mines after the previous company went bankrupt.

Today, a group of striking mineworkers traveled from Alabama to Wall Street to protest the investment firms backing Warrior Met.

“These are the companies that fund Warrior Met and allow Warrior Met to pay their executives millions of dollars a year, while the miners, the workers themselves who are creating that value, are struggling to get by on sometimes as little as $22 an hour,” says labor journalist and organizer Kim Kelly.

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alabama Amy Goodman Black Lungs BlackRock Coal Miners Democracy Now! Free Speech TV Kim Kelly United Mine Worker of America Wall Street Warrior Met Warrior Met Coal


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