2021-06-29 11:29:52

Atlantic Ocean: Subtle Shifts Hint at Dramatic Dangers

Michael Mann weighs in on the worrisome shifts in the great conveyor belt, and the dangerous heatwave threatening the Pacific Northwest. 115 degrees in the shade this weekend in Portland. 119 degrees ground temperature in the Arctic; 80 degrees air temperature. These are unprecedented heatwaves which have the fingerprints of human activity all over it, says Dr. Michael Mann.

Dr. Michael Mann joins Thom Hartmann to update us on global warming following new reports. Dr. Michael Mann is a Distinguished Professor of Meteorology & Director, Earth System Science Center-Penn State University / Member-National Academy of Sciences & recipient of the Tyler Prize / Author of several books including, The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy & most recently, The New Climate War.


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Atlantic Ocean Climate Change Global Warming Michael Mann Pacific Northwest Portland Seattle The Thom Hartmann Program Thom Hartmann


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